For more information, click each category below.
Ice Machines

First & foremost, you will need an ice machine to make ice. Depending on your daily requirements, ice machines come in different sizes, varying in the amount of ice produced per day.
Automatic Baggers

You will need the bagger, where the ice will be dispensed and bagged – all automatically. The bags are put at the bottom of the bagger, and with a click of a button, the ice dispenses into the bags and stops by itself when the bag is full to the required amount.

This is how it looks when the ice machine is put together on top of the Follett Ice‐Pro bagger.
Closing Supplies

You have choice of closing with ties, wire or staples.

Ice Bags

Various options available including stock bags, custom bags (with your company logo and address) and name slug bags (our design, with your company name)

Do you need a merchandiser to put the ice in after bagging? Various sizes and options available in indoor and outdoor models.

Deersville General Store